Voltage to current converter are widely use in the processing industries to convert voltage signal to current. Signal strength is usually in the voltage range. Thermocouples are the most common voltage generating sensing element. The voltage signal must be converted to the current signal generally of 1-5 to 4-20 or 10-50amp for inputs to controllers or other receiver. Analyzers tachometer & other similar equipment may also the require E/I changing output signal in to higher level transmission signal. E/I temperature convertor are designed accept stander thermocouple input directly. high input impedance design of the unit permit the use of the long thermocouple leads without error.
Voltage to current converter are widely use in the processing industries to convert voltage signal to current. Signal strength is usually in the voltage range. Thermocouples are the most common voltage generating sensing element. The voltage signal must be converted to the current signal generally of 1-5 to 4-20 or 10-50amp for inputs to controllers or other receiver. Analyzers tachometer & other similar equipment may also the require E/I changing output signal in to higher level transmission signal. E/I temperature convertor are designed accept stander thermocouple input directly. high input impedance design of the unit permit the use of the long thermocouple leads without error.
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